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God's Divine Intervention

Writer's picture: amykbarnett3amykbarnett3

Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Happy birthday to me! I woke up with a thankful heart today and thought it time I share my testimony of God's good grace towards me and my family this past year. I thought about what this birthday could have been, had things not turned out the way they did... but God stepped in, showed out, and helped me realize what matters most.

This is my story....

  • June 26, 2019:

I went for my six month CT scan. I decided I wanted to go alone, it was only scans and can sometimes take awhile. When I arrived they told me I was suppose to be there an hour earlier for bloodwork, etc. They would have to try and squeeze me in or I could go to another location. I decided to do that.... waited ..... finally had scans, thankful that this place didn't require the disgusting drink beforehand. I traveled back to my first location to see my doctor. I thought about just going home and letting them call me, but then decided I better not. I saw the CRNP instead of my doctor. This happens a lot, and that's fine because she is very thorough and we have gotten to know each other through all the appointments in the past. She told me she was glad I decided to wait because something suspicious showed up around my lungs and she thought a PET scan would be best. Not exactly what I wanted to hear.... but this would be my first PET scan ever, and I had been wanting to have one. Insurance wouldn't approve in the past (go figure - stage IIIc colon cancer, nope can't have one). So she asked if I could come the next week. I told her we were going to the beach for the 4th of July and I really didn't want to cancel our plans. So we scheduled it for when I returned, July 9th.

  • July 9, 2019:

This time I would not go alone... my mom and sister made sure of that. I told my husband, Jason, to go on to work, I would be fine. He is a worrier and that makes me even more anxious. The PET scan was a little different, I had to sit in this quiet, dark little room all alone where I could "relax". That's kind of hard when your mind is in a million places. When the scan was over they told us it would be several hours before results would be in. We went to a great restaurant downtown and had a good lunch. I didn't have much of an appetite and we had a pile of shrimp and fish left. We packed it up to give to the homeless. I just knew there would be someone on the street to give it to. We didn't see anyone so we left, riding around - looking for a person to help. My sister wouldn't stop under a bridge even though I said it would be fine... she is much more cautious than me. Probably a good idea not to... we make a great team. As we traveled back to the hospital there he was - a man sitting in the stairway, dressed in old, torn scrubs he'd made into shorts. My sister, Julie, rolled down the window and we asked if he was hungry. He was so appreciative and said, "God bless the heck out of y'all"... I'm not sure why I'm including every detail of this day, but I just remember it vividly. Unusual for me as I have a terrible memory.

We waited in the loud, crowded waiting area. They were reconstructing the hospital and had many different departments in one large area. They were working there too which added to the anxious feeling I was having. We met a sweet lady who told us the story of her husband who had been sick awhile. She prayed with us before we went back to see the doctor.

I had a bad feeling... While walking in the room, I caught a glimpse of my doctor and CRNP, I saw the looks on their faces. I knew. I knew this was not going to be good news. His face said it all when he came in. He couldn't believe it either. The scan lit up all around the upper part of my lungs and esophagus area. There was another place around my hip that lit up too. I asked what we needed to do. He told me we could treat it, but not cure it. This was sage IV colon cancer. Those words, stage IV, brought my mom and sister to tears. I hate seeing my family upset... we had already been through this with my dad. Not again. My doctor asked me how old my children were and when they graduated.... then my tears came.... my children... they need me. This cannot be happening... you are not telling me how long I have to live... I won't allow it. Only God knows that. Don't get me wrong, he was sympathetic, but I was not going to hear that. What do we do?? He told me he would schedule another port placement the following week and start chemo a few days later. He gave me the options of the different types of chemo I would need. We talked about whether or not to carry around the pouch and have it at home or not. I'm not sure what else we discussed as I quit listening... my mind was a whirlwind of pictures, emotions, words, sounds... I heard his voice over and over saying, "It's not good..."

We left the hospital and drove home. I saw the most beautiful sky from the interstate - a huge cloud with the sun's rays beaming out of it. I took a picture. I felt God telling me everything will be ok. I had talked to my husband and told him bits and pieces on the phone so when we arrived home mom explained the details. The words I didn't want to tell him. When we were alone, I fell apart. He held me and I cried until I couldn't anymore. He's my safe place... he's seen me fall apart before... but he wouldn't hear me say that this is it. He told me we would do everything to get through this. He was not having me give up. It was time to be stronger than ever, to stay positive, and most importantly - trust GOD.

  • July 10, 2019:

I researched cancer centers. I wanted a second opinion. I wanted to go to the best place I could because my life was at stake. I called MD Anderson in Houston, TX to see if I could get in. I spoke with a very nice man who told me I could come in for an evaluation where they would set me up with a team of doctors..... in a month.... Time was at hand, I felt like if they wanted me to start chemo the next week, I needed to be seen sooner than that. He also told me that if I did start chemo with my doctor that they would not be able to see me until all of my treatments were complete. But wait.... he just gave an appointment to the man who called before me for the following week - July 17th. He was waiting on the man to call back and make sure he could come, if not, that spot would be mine. My words were, "If this is where God wants me to be, that appointment will be mine." He said, "Yes ma'am, that's right." He told me he would call me tomorrow regardless. I prayed asking God to direct me in the path He would have me to go.

  • July 11, 2019:

One of my closest friends, Connie, called and said we should go to Hobby Lobby. Perfect place to get my mind off things - my favorite store! While there I received a call... that same man with the deep voice saying.... "Mrs. Barnett? Do you remember what you said about that appointment? Well, it's yours if you want it." Yes! Thank you Lord! I'm going to Texas. Connie and I were so excited right there in the discount aisle of Hobby Lobby!

When I got home my mom and I got on the computer. She booked a flight and hotel for my sister and me. I was so thankful for her because I didn't exactly have the funds for this trip. She didn't hesitate. We would leave in five days.

  • July 12-15:

So many people prayed for me and with me. I was overwhelmed by the support. I had not posted anything on social media as I felt I did not know what to say. I decided to keep this private until we knew for sure what was going on.

  • July 16, 2019:

Julie and I arrived at the airport early and were able to meet a lady from Birmingham who lived in Houston. We talked and talked and she gave us her number in case we needed anything while there. We got on the smallest plane, next to the back two seats, and headed to Houston. This was my first plane ride. There were two teenage brothers sitting behind me, arguing over space, music, etc. I felt right at home.

Our driver took us to the hotel and told us our ride was paid for by a friend. Another blessing. We checked into the hotel, ordered a veggie pizza, walked to the pizza hut which was basically in the parking lot, and came back to the hotel to eat and try to get some sleep. Sleep was not my friend that night.

  • July 17, 2019:

We rode the transportation shuttle to MD Anderson and found our way around. The place is huge, but filled with positive energy. We met the doctor and went over my scans that had been sent to them. He explained it one piece at a time, making it easier to understand what we were seeing. He told me he would like to do a biopsy to make sure this was cancer. Wait... it might not be cancer? My hopes lifted. We had plans to be there the entire week and were hopeful they could get me in while we were there. We would wait on the phone call to see if that was possible.

The call came - I could have a biopsy on July 22, the day before we were scheduled to go back home. Yes! Thank you again Lord!

We met a very sweet, young couple while at the hotel washateria. She had been there awhile, and was battling cancer as well, waiting on a bone marrow transplant. We still stay in touch. I pray God blesses her abundantly.

  • July 18, 2019:

We had gotten a call from a sweet primitive baptist preacher while we were there and he and his wife wanted to take us to breakfast. Brother Brian and Sister Cathy Ramsey - they were the sweetest couple. We talked and talked and heard of their life stories, learning some tragedies they had endured as well. His sweet blue eyes teared up as he told us he felt like we were family and we had blessed them by having breakfast with them and sharing our stories. They invited us to church the following Sunday. They prayed with us before dropping us off at the hotel. I felt so blessed having met them.

  • July 19, 2019:

Julie decided we should go see the Houston Astros play and have a fun night together. She's such a great planner, got our uber lined up, and found a great place to eat. We had a wonderful night, at the very top of Minute Maid Park. We had even bought Astros shirts and looked like locals. We sat beside a sweet couple and they ended up hearing our story of why we were there. They gave us their number in case we needed anything and hugged us when we left, telling us they would be praying for me and would put me on their prayer list at church. God put so many people like that in my life through this journey.

  • July 20, 2019:

Julie and I had discussed going to church the next day, but neither of us had packed a dress to wear. We decided we would go to the Houston mall - wow - and buy something to wear. Julie found us another uber to pick us up and take us back. We were learning our way around this city.

  • July 21, 2019:

Brother Brian and sister Cathy, along with their little grandson, picked us up for church. The church reminded me of other churches I had been to. Brother Brian spoke to the congregation and told our story. The preacher talked about grace and walking by faith and they prayed for me. There was lunch and fellowship afterwards and we felt right at home.

That night, we met up with a childhood friend who lives about an hour from Houston. She picked us up and we all went to dinner - it was wonderful seeing her and catching up. We hugged, we prayed, and promised to let her know the outcome of tomorrow - surgery day.

  • July 22, 2019:

The day was finally here. I was nervous and anxious. We went to the cardiopulmonary center and waited. There's a lot of waiting that takes place at the doctor's office. We were called back and I was prepped for surgery. Everyone was so nice and positive. I was given the good stuff and fell fast asleep.... when I awoke I saw my sister standing there, along with a nurse. Next, the doctor came in. She smiled... she said she biopsied four different places. The labs did not show cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord to the rooftops!!!!!!!! We cried, we laughed, the nurses that walked by smiled and praised with us. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't talk, mainly from the tears of joy, but also from the surgery. Julie called Jason for me and told him the good news. I cried again and tried to get some words out. Next, we called mom. She was overjoyed. We called our family, we called our friends, we told the people on the shuttle bus, the elevators, the hotel.... everyone needed to hear this good news!

We celebrated by going to our little breakfast restaurant. I wanted tomato soup. I wanted ice cream. I got both. Julie said I could have anything I wanted. We were on cloud nine. We spent our last night at the hotel. I rested well.

  • July 23, 2019:

We were tired and emotionally drained, yet still in awe.

We were picked up at the airport by our mom and brother. When I saw my brother, I just hugged him tight... we both cried. He's so special to me and I know he had been worried about his big - little sister. Mom was so happy to have all three of her children together. We ate at Cracker Barrel and went home.

I was greeted with many hugs, texts, calls, and goodies. I cannot express the relief I felt that day. Being home, my favorite place in the world... without the worries of cancer. I was suppose to be hooked up to a chemo pump that day, but there I was on my front porch swing with my family. Celebrating. We celebrated the goodness of God's blessings upon me. This was all Him. The entire trip, the special people that crossed our path, the hospital and everyone working there with us, even the crazy woman we met on the shuttle who gave us a good story and laugh..... it was all Him.

  • Today, January 30, 2020:

I sit here recalling those events of that first trip to Houston. This birthday is extra special to me. I have much to be thankful for. I have been divinely favored and I have done nothing to deserve it. But God.... He has me in His hands. I will return to MD Anderson in March. No matter what this life holds in store for me, I will always be grateful for the mercy and grace that God bestows upon me daily. He is good - ALL. THE. TIME. God is Bigger.



Jan 31, 2020

You can add all the comments you want. There was a lot more! I’ll always remember that trip. We’ll have another one soon. There’s no telling what that story will be like... hopefully another good one! Love you sis!


Julie Emmerich
Julie Emmerich
Jan 31, 2020

Thank you for documenting our trip! There’s so many little things that I could add comments about (some pretty funny!), but the amazing feeling of God’s presence during that time is something I’ll never forget. I love you little sister!

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